This year started with a review of our development slate and a decision to focus energies and resources in to one particular pet project which resulted in a major redraft of the most recent draft of the script. We are excited about the progress made and the shape this is taking and more will be announced in due course and as we put the package together piece by piece.
In February a very exciting digital project came our way which meant working at the BBC out of Media City in Salford Quays. The project was called “Connect Friends” for CBBC and was regarded by the BBC as a cutting edge project; for the first time ever CBBC under 16 users could register and connect with real life friends on the MyCBBC home page. Check out this CBBC video which explains the platform. While spending time on site at the BBC in Media City there was much opportunity during down time to explore Salford Quays namely and the very nearby Imperial War Museum and Old Trafford stadium home to Manchester United which were each visible from almost all vantage points.
May quickly came along which meant another Cannes Film Festival trip. Cannes is always terrific for renewing existing acquaintances and making new friends and this year was no different. This year producer Margaret Milner Schmueck was part of the Festival’s Producer’s Network which mean early starts as well as late night parties that needed to be attended. One particular festival highlight included attending world premiere of first ever 8K film “Beauties À La Carte“, a darkly comic film into the bargain. Prior to the film test footage was screened such as nature shots, Rio Carnival and Olympics 2012 and this truly showcased the stunning and spine tingling visuals, which made for the experience of a heightened reality and would lend itself to the fantasy genre. Weather through the festival was chronic again this year but some pictures were taken between storms.
Check out the photo gallery for pictures.